0b2a3efcb0aa7cbe6d312c1e8d93f768ff3c356d Bangladesh Tourism

Bangladesh: Best places you've traveled to that you could almost call home? Best places you've traveled to that you could almost call home? - Bangladesh

Best places you've traveled to that you could almost call home?

Home away from home. I've found a few places I'd like to share with ya'll..

  • Koh ta kiev, Cambodia
  • Port Barton, Palawan, Philippines
  • Siquijor, Philippines
  • Phu quoc, Vietnam
  • Chiang Mai, Thailand

yes yes I know, all on the bananapancake highway.. but a humble beginning for a beginner US backpacker.

What are some places you've encountered that you've had thoughts about living in?

(Affordability is a huge plus, but this should be balanced with the ability to make $.. perhaps making my suggestions a bit unpractical)

Submitted April 10, 2018 at 08:22PM by dirtdeuce https://ift.tt/2GOMFoo

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