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Bangladesh: First time solo in US, questions on driving? First time solo in US, questions on driving? - Bangladesh

First time solo in US, questions on driving?

Heading over to west CO and east UT in under 2 weeks time, my first ever solo trip and first ever time in the US. Absolutely buzzing for it but have some potentially silly questions on driving as I’ll be renting a car.

Living in the UK I’m used to having that wheel on the right hand side and driving manuals (only driven an automatic a handful of times). I’ve driven on the left hand side of the road in different countries so not that much of concern in that regard.

Anyone able to say from experience if it’s easy to get going right away with the wheel on the left and it being an automatic? Can’t see it being much of an issue as I’m a confident driver but I wonder if it may take a few hours to get used to?

Also with regards to getting petrol (or gas), is it the same process as in the UK, fill up however much I want then pay either at pump or in the kiosk? I vaguely remember reading some proper confusing stuff on how you have to ‘pre pay’ for the gas and if you get less than you pre paid you get a refund? Or did I imagine all this.

What’s the driving like in general, e.g. do people let you out/are polite or is it more of a every man for himself kind of deal (like in London for example)?

I never bothered with an international driving permit (the info on this on the internet is bizarrely vague) seeing as my licence is in English, do any states require it by law?

Anything else I may be missing?

Submitted April 10, 2018 at 07:21PM by rl123456 https://ift.tt/2IGQ758

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