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Bangladesh: Solotravel for a potentially burned out guy and terrible tourist? Solotravel for a potentially burned out guy and terrible tourist? - Bangladesh

Solotravel for a potentially burned out guy and terrible tourist?

Sorry, no tl;dr.

I took a back seat in my business last year initially due to having to sort out my personal life - homes to change/renovate, general personal admin, relationships to patch up, relationships to end when they weren't patched up, etc.

Thing is, after having mostly sorted things out I've been hermiting more and more at home, using the excuse of renovation. I used to love working, but I just don't have the passion for it anymore. Work aside (and most of what I need to do can be done from home aside from meetings), I have a lot I can occupy myself with at home, and that's what I've been doing. And now that this has continued through to basically all of this year, it's gone beyond just 'a bit of time off'. I'm actively avoiding even meeting people now, Skyping if possible.

I thought a change of scenery might do me some good, so a few months ago I went to the family villa to see if a few weeks of time by the sea away from home might reset things. I happened to bump into my dad while there, and he was pretty freaked as he's not used to seeing me there outside of our mandatory family get-togethers, and asked if everything was OK. He clearly knew something was off, as he extended his planned brief visit and we had a rare time together just between the two of us - so in that way I'm glad I went there.

But coming back, the 'change of scenery' break didn't work. I just sit around. Well not just simply sit since there's loads of things I can do as is so it's not exactly sitting in a dark room at a screen eating Cheetos, but you get what I mean - I've always got the main kick out of life in working more, better and it's not happening anymore.

Recently I've got it into my head that travelling to 'find myself' might be something I could do, and by that I mean something beyond the gap-year 'I've grown so much as a person': At 37 I'm past that level of self-absorption but probably have a decent layer of cynicism that might need recalibrating. 'Find myself' to find a new passion, or put a new frame on existing passions...?

But here's the thing: Since I've always been work-focused, I've also been a terrible tourist. I just don't really enjoy looking at monuments all that much, beyond trying to find an interesting angle to photograph them at. And I've done the stuff like travelling in Iceland and Bolivia on photography assignments while trying to improve my shooting as a hobbyist. And since I've been based / own businesses all over the place and dad's corporate is global, I've always travelled worldwide, even now. So while I might have this idea in my head, where would I go and what exactly would I do different while travelling? I've no idea. I'll also still need to be reachable for work, so I can't just head into the middle of nowhere either.

I had the sterotypical vague image of sitting by a campfire surrounded by interesting people having a life-affirming moment, but once the image fades away I know that when I'm there I might hate camping, I'll deplore the personal hygiene habits of whoever's present, whatever they're smoking will give me a headache and I'll probably be itching to get out of there. Similarly I'd thought about some kind of aid work abroad but it's a truth that the charitable foundations that dad and I already run will do a lot more good than an aimless guy shlepping about somewhere hoping to find himself.

I'm rambling at this point but I'd hoped by writing it down it'd indicate where I was right now, how uber-first-world-problem this is, but also how confused I am about this and in need of some enlightment from experienced people either way.

Has anyone got any insight as to whether 'travel to discover yourself' is any kind of beginning of a solution for the above context? Sorry for the wall of text but I thought it would be best to explain my situation fully.

Submitted November 04, 2017 at 09:55PM by durabledildo http://ift.tt/2j1j7gj

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