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Bangladesh: Is late February and early March too cold in Europe? Is late February and early March too cold in Europe? - Bangladesh

Is late February and early March too cold in Europe?

Hi all!I (24M) will be backpacking throughout Europe next spring for 3 months! I am so very excited but had a few questions regarding traveling during that time of year. I originally planned to leave in mid-March and return in mid-June, however my best friend just informed me that he plans to propose to his girlfriend soon and they have discussed a wedding date for late May. I do not want to miss his wedding and rather than coming back to the US for a few days and heading back to Europe or simply cutting my trip short, I have considered bumping up my departure date to late February.I had several questions for backpacking Europe during late February and early to mid March. I am used to the cold living in New England, however I was curious if attractions throughout Europe are closed or if hostels are too quiet (I would love for hostels to not be overpacked, but as a solo traveler I also want to make sure I’ll be staying at hostels with ample people to meet and explore with). As of now, I think I will begin my trip in Portugal. I know Portugal and Spain would be possibly the best locations weather wise during this time of year. However I would then most likely move on to Switzerland, Austria etc. in early to mid March and was unsure of whether it would be too cold, stormy, or desolate in hostels.I have tried looking up information about traveling during these months in Europe but have yet to find useful answers to my questions. Thanks in advance for your help! via /r/solotravel https://ift.tt/2THzrBe

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