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Bangladesh: Fired from my job weeks before first solo trip Fired from my job weeks before first solo trip - Bangladesh

Fired from my job weeks before first solo trip

Contemplating on canceling my first solo trip after getting fired from my job 6 days ago. My plan was to go to Oregon and Washington (Mt Hood, Hood River, Mt Rainier, Mt St Helen's, Portland) for the first time from September 4-13.After being fired with no severance pay and unemployment still being processed I'm having doubts on going.I would have spent the previous 3 weeks alone in unemployment world and then going to spend money on a trip, alone. With no job to come back to. No coworkers (who were my only friends) to talk to about my trip.Going with a friend would have added a more positive spin to this situation, but I am not. I decided to send my social anxiety solo self on this trip to find my own sense of independence and my own adventures. And now I am in a depressive state with no hope or positive outlook on the trip.I don't know what I wanted from sharing this information with the internet, but I had to let it out. via /r/solotravel https://ift.tt/2TKGfhf

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