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Bangladesh: Friend stranded in Laos with no cash and deactivated debit card Friend stranded in Laos with no cash and deactivated debit card - Bangladesh

Friend stranded in Laos with no cash and deactivated debit card

I’m posting this on behalf of my friend (F18) who has been traveling for her gap year. She is currently in Laos, and realized that her debit card wasn’t working at ATMs. Her dad, who is still in the U.S., checked the mail and found a letter from at least a week ago explaining that her card would be deactivated. Since she had no warning, she only has about $10 in cash and can’t withdraw more. She has a credit card as a backup, but most places do not take cards where she is. Can anyone think of any options she might have?

Submitted April 06, 2019 at 07:33AM by rhayes2000 http://bit.ly/2D1EV2z

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