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Bangladesh: First Solo Road Trip, looking for advice! First Solo Road Trip, looking for advice! - Bangladesh

First Solo Road Trip, looking for advice!

**clarification: I have done a solo road trip before but max at 5ish days

Hey everyone :)!

I originally had planned to do this road trip with a friend of mine over the course of the month, but he got an internship and went to do that instead of this over the summer. I have never done a solo road trip before, but I really want to do this trip. I've also never spent this much time alone before, either.

I could postpone or shorten, but I would really like to keep this trip how it is. Additionally, this trip being 30 days is important for my research project/experience on energy studies and I really want to complete that! I also feel this would be a fantastic life experience for me!

Here are some details about the trip and about me:

- 19 yr old Male, Trip will be from June 20 to July 20

- Significant backpacking and scrambling experience, love to climb mountains and 14ers

- Will already be visiting my girlfriend in San Francisco before starting on the trip

- Going to be camping next to my car in NF land along the way, worst case I can sleep in my car (civic)

- I already have a Yosemite permit for the start

- Ideally, I want to spend a week in both Colorado and Wyoming, with mainly driving through and stopping in Utah and Idaho (I've spent plenty of time in the Utah NP's already).

- I like to live cheap, usually not paying for much other than gas and store bought meals

- I love photography, and this would be fantastic for me to work on those skills

- Not particularly interested in visiting Grand Canyon or Arizona, I've spent a decent amount of time there too!

I would love it if anyone could give me some advice on the trip as a whole, but also how to stay sane with this much time alone!



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