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Bangladesh: Looking for the opportunity to plan your family's upcoming travel/roadtrip Looking for the opportunity to plan your family's upcoming travel/roadtrip - Bangladesh

Looking for the opportunity to plan your family's upcoming travel/roadtrip

Hi all,

A bit of a long-shot here but I have had made some amazing connections from Reddit over the years.

Long story short, I am considering starting an online travel agency - catering to those with families, and/or 50+...and I would like the opportunity to plan your trip completely free of charge.

I have been planning my parent's vacations for the last few years (because I love to help them out and make sure they have a good time) and it has saved them so much time and effort...and they have really enjoyed every trip. Recently, I have done the same for my uncle because he hates planning and is not horrible with computers.

Recently, his friend is paying me to do the same thing (because my uncle has loved his trips).

I know many of you will advise that this is a flooded market or no one uses travel agents anymore, but i beg to differ. I've seen many people in my parent's age group that hate planning trips or just

Yes, it is Covid right now. No one wants to travel abroad, but there are road trips! Which are a very safe way to vacation this summer. I have done two small trips myself (this summer) and am planning another.

A little bit about me: 27 years old male. Traveled to 26 countries. Lived in Thailand for half of last year. My Fiance is Thai. Planned dozens of trips with friends (where I manage/plan the whole trip because they know I am good and trust me). Started my own business in college which was very successful. Unfortunately had to shut down in December, after 5 great years. Now I'm working on starting my next venture (a few other things I am working on).

Traveling is a huge part of my life and I do enjoy planning trips. I'd like to say I have become quite good at it :) I always find my friends/family the cheapest flight that they were never able to find. Or help them find an amazing bnb they never considered beforehand.

If anyone is interested or might someone that would be please feel free to reach out! I can go over in much more detail about my travel resume and who I am.

I will plan (or help plan) your trip, answer as many questions as you have, hop on the phone with you, tell you about my travels, offer future travel plan suggestions, give advice on how to save money, etc. If you wan't your entire trip planned, I can do that (and of course you can look over it and take out anything, ask questions etc).

Why am i doing this for free? Well, simply for the experience, to see how it works out, and to get your feedback after the trip. I think this would be a really cool experience for both yourself and myself.

Whether you have an idea where you want to travel or have no idea, I would love to chat.

Thanks for taking the time to read!


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