0b2a3efcb0aa7cbe6d312c1e8d93f768ff3c356d Bangladesh Tourism

Bangladesh: This is disgusting This is disgusting - Bangladesh

This is disgusting

I hope I'm not the only one that feels like a National Park shouldn't be profited off of like Disney World.

I've included a link to the relevant article. Newspaper story here

I have written to the committee letting them know my thoughts of why it shouldn't be privatized, why I would never want a food truck at one of my campsites in Yosemite, and why I would never ever want to exclude Senior Citizens from enjoying things during certain times of year.

Email at the bottom!

I hope this doesn't pass. Privatising a park means they could literally charge you to walk a trail. Email them! Tell them why you want your National Parks to stay that way and not let them become an Amusement Park.


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