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Bangladesh: Solo traveling Asian man. Facing discrimination everywhere. Solo traveling Asian man. Facing discrimination everywhere. - Bangladesh

Solo traveling Asian man. Facing discrimination everywhere.

Hey all, as the title suggests - I’ve been dealing with a lot of hard stares and subtle discrimination everywhere I’ve been. I’m on week 3 of a 2 month trip. So far I’ve been to Barcelona, London, Scotland, Paris and currently in switzerland. I love everything but the people here are going out of their way to make me know im not welcome. I am a 25 year old Vietnamese male - and everyone seems to show disgust towards me. Most issues are non problematic and I just ignore and move on - but some instances have left me bruises as someone rammed into me with their backpack, they misdirected me to the wrong train and left me stranded, a hostel worker suggested a restaurant to me “down the street” into a ghetto area (where I later googled the restaurant and it was 200 miles away), and I even had a very terrible experience with an Airbnb host in Scotland where I had to leave before my second night (might expand in this subject more. I contacted Airbnb and they side with the host. I was stranded in the middle of the night searching refuge elsewhere due to extremely rude and blatant mistreatment). Are any other individuals experiencing what I’m experiencing? I am told that I’m a nice guy. I treat everyone with respect and approach people kindly. But they still stare me down for approaching them, and they seem to treat me a tiny bit better when I speak English (I am from California, all my life.) it’s truly unsettling and I wish I didn’t have to go through this, but not quite sure what to do. Any advice? via /r/solotravel http://bit.ly/2Xl8Tqt

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