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Bangladesh: Worst tourist faux pas? Worst tourist faux pas? - Bangladesh

Worst tourist faux pas?

I thought I'd seen it all, but this was next-level inconsiderate behaviour.

I was just at the Kremlin wall in Moscow, where Lenin's body is on display and where many other famous Russians are buried. There's not much time to stop; the Russian guards are barking at you constantly to keep moving.

Well, this one guy steps right up in front of Stalin's grave marker and immediately turns around with his phone in the air. Tacky place for a selfie but whatever. Turns out he's not taking a selfie, he's FACETIMING somebody in front of Stalin's grave. Continues to stand there for a few minutes talking to whoever, blocking the whole view for everyone else while we wait for this asshole to step out of the way. Meanwhile the Russian guards are screaming at us to keep moving and start to physically push the rest of us forward, having had literally no time to actually see the monument without this dick standing right in front of it.

So what's the most obnoxious tourist behaviour you've seen at attractions?

Submitted May 30, 2019 at 11:32AM by gypsyblue http://bit.ly/2I8JUAa

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