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Bangladesh: Sometimes feeling the opposite of empowered by travel. Didn't expect this, how to deal? Sometimes feeling the opposite of empowered by travel. Didn't expect this, how to deal? - Bangladesh

Sometimes feeling the opposite of empowered by travel. Didn't expect this, how to deal?

TL;DR: Feeling scared to keep traveling after [not even that] bad experiences as solo female traveler. How did you keep going and having a good time?

When I moved halfway across the world this year, I was beyond excited to do some real traveling for the first time ever. I guess I expected this to be an eye-opening, empowering experience. I thought that traveling (especially alone) would make me feel braver, more competent, more wise. But after spending five months visiting some of the world's most beautiful cities, I often feel the exact opposite.

I'm in Europe. I haven't been anywhere terribly dangerous, and I have so far avoided being robbed or scammed. I'm a young woman, and I've spent a lot of time in this sub reading relevant advice. I feel prepared and able to maneuver myself out of tricky situations. But in every city I've visited, I've had at least one could-have-been-horrible experience where I was doing everything right and I was still made unsafe.

It just sucks. Because what I remember from my last trip isn't the awe I felt studying ancient artwork or gazing out over a massive city or standing in front of the most beautiful ocean view I've ever seen. The feeling I took home with me is the fear I felt when two men cornered me in their underwear as I walked from the hostel bathroom to my room. In every city I've visited, I've spent a good chunk of time sitting in my hotel room too anxious to go back outside.

I leave on a three-week, multi-city trip next week, and I don't want to go. I'm scared and I'm tired. This one isn't solo — my younger sister is flying out — and that almost makes it worse. I have to put on a brave face and make sure her first travel experience is better than mine was.

I've been reading and re-reading posts from this sub, and I think they're helping. But I'd kind of like some support from people who know what it's like to feel this way. Other than therapy (which I plan to take advantage of when I get home in a few months), what proved helpful for you in getting past this persistent dread while traveling? How were you able to toughen up and enjoy your trip despite bad experiences?

Submitted May 30, 2019 at 08:15PM by deneoument http://bit.ly/2WwRihT

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