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Bangladesh: Itinerary suggestions-Western Europe and UK/Ireland. Itinerary suggestions-Western Europe and UK/Ireland. - Bangladesh

Itinerary suggestions-Western Europe and UK/Ireland.

I’m planning a three month whirlwind solo tour of Europe in the fall, and I have my first 45 days booked through Greece, Italy, Austria/Bavaria and Switzerland. I’m looking for some suggestions for the last half of the trip. Right now, I’m thinking from Milan to Nice to Madrid. Then Lisbon and/Porto to Paris. And ending in the UK or Ireland. I’m less familiar with Spain and France, so I picked the big cities. I have been researching like mad, but I wanted to see if there were any towns or other stops I should consider as I plan this last half.

A little about me-I love to walk and people watch,enjoy hiking, not much into the party scene-more of an introvert. I do like museums and churches. Love history and grandiose architecture. Enjoy the big cities as well as small villages. Really love nature and diverse scenery. I tend to get bored easily, so four days is the max I would stay in any one place. Most of the trip so far is train in to a location arriving in the morning, spend two nights there, and move on to the next stop the following morning.

My budget so far is working out to an average of $75 per day including food, lodging, transportation, and admission fees to sites. Would like to stay around there (or lower) for the last half as well.

Any recommendations?

Submitted May 30, 2019 at 07:27PM by Eki75 http://bit.ly/2KcW8KN

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