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Bangladesh: Seeking some inspiration for my next trip. What are your suggests? Seeking some inspiration for my next trip. What are your suggests? - Bangladesh

Seeking some inspiration for my next trip. What are your suggests?

Hello folks,

So, I'm a little lost for ideas at the moment and through I could hand it over to you to see if you have some great ideas for a new adventure.

I'm UK based, so this is something factor in. Last year alone, I visited; Cologne, Venice, Barcelona, and spent equivalent of a month travailing around France on 3 separate occasions. I already have Strasbourg planned for December, later on this year as well. I trying to do it relatively cheap so I don't mind heading outside popular times of the year. I always like to try and do something, I'm not the type of person who could be lazy, sit around all day, I do that at work (don't tell the boss I am on Reddit). haha! I also love language, so any excuse to practice my French would be a bonus.

Currently I have around £400-500 to spend in total This could be used for travel and accommodation. I can save spending money leading up to the trip.

All feedback, ideas, suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

Submitted April 29, 2019 at 06:05AM by KelseyBDJ http://bit.ly/2W6Vl17

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