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Bangladesh: Planning a solo European culture/arts trip in June - where to go? Planning a solo European culture/arts trip in June - where to go? - Bangladesh

Planning a solo European culture/arts trip in June - where to go?

Hey! I double-posted this over at /r/travel, but I figured why not post it here too for help!

I'm a 22 year old male from the U.S., planning a 7-10 day solo trip to Europe. I'm graduating college this May and this would be the perfect time for me to travel abroad to Europe before I start working a full-time job. I've traveled aboard many times before, but I've never been to Europe and I've never traveled alone before, so I'm extremely excited for this.

I'm planning to stay in hostels throughout my trip, to meet new people and also cut down on my budget. Speaking of which, the budget for my trip is around $3000USD give or take.

I'm looking mainly to:

  • Meet new people, locals and other travelers alike
  • See unique and beautiful architecture
  • Visit art galleries
  • Eat delicious food unique to the area
  • Learn and explore the local history

Currently looking at three to four city itineraries, allowing for 2 to 5 days at each city. Very flexible to how the days would be allocated. Examples I'm looking at but definitely not restricted to are:

  • London/Edinburgh/Glasgow
  • Prague/(Leipzig or Dresden)/Berlin
  • Budapest/Bratislava/Vienna
  • Paris/Bruges/Brussels/Amsterdam

Submitted April 29, 2019 at 05:04AM by mrerictran http://bit.ly/2J3I6dR

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