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Bangladesh: Seeking bad influence! Seeking bad influence! - Bangladesh

Seeking bad influence!

So I’ve been dreaming of Germany for as long as I can remember, planning on going for my next degree in a couple of years. I tried to make a move work but with my current education and language skills it wasn’t feasible. So instead I planned a 3 city trip which ends in Germany, leaving in 18 days. In the meantime I’ve been applying for full time jobs back home. However, just a few minutes ago I received an offer for a full summer workaway in my dream city in Germany, where I already have a flight to in two weeks. Anyone want to encourage me to be completely and totally irresponsible and not get on my return flight?

Submitted April 30, 2019 at 07:16PM by mmmm1038 http://bit.ly/2V2ZNS9

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