0b2a3efcb0aa7cbe6d312c1e8d93f768ff3c356d Bangladesh Tourism

Bangladesh: Rwanda? Rwanda? - Bangladesh


I did my first solo travel last year in South America for 3+ months. It works better for me when I can quit my job and take a lot of time to solo travel rather than a few weeks. With that being said I've had my eyes on starting in Rwanda for a big trip in 6 months to a year from now. Any input on things to see, destinations, other neighboring countries to visit (I would think Kenya, ya?) and tips and tricks for the area? I know absolutely nothing about it so I'm getting excited at the idea of learning about something totally new to me.

Submitted April 30, 2019 at 04:01AM by Gameyohn http://bit.ly/2ISQ6iC

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