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Our Pacific North West Summer Roadtrip 2019

Hello roadtrippers!

Our 2019 Road Trip map

Dates 2019-06-22 to 2019-07-07

I thought you might like to see our rough plan for our 16 day road trip in our camping converted AWD Chevy Astro. Now it may not seem like 16 days is not enough time to enjoy all these places but please take this map with a huge bag of salt!

When we adventure we like to have a couple key points of interest and we wing the rest of it. It is our most favourite way to travel! So this map is more points of interest and general direction, so we will aim for the yellow points and try for the blue, no doubt we'll only visit half of them.

Some points:

  • Yellowstone/Tetons were the focus for this journey, but then it all got out of control. Up until this version it was called "Yellowstone trip". But we have lots more time off than expected so it's blown up into a huge loop!
  • POI - Reddit section! I exported the comments all you wonderful people made from this thread and messed around until I had a destinations column and the comment it came from in the next column, imported them into my maps and it just kinda mostly worked! Pretty neat tool I thought!
  • the bare section near Jebidiah Smith Redwoods State Park. That was a very recent addition so not much there at the moment. We realised we could get more time off and extended the route, so there's only that one point of interest (if we actually make it).
  • Anything that is within a weekend trip from Vancouver (BC, where we live) is the lowest on the list since we go on weekend adventures all summer, and considering the length of this trip I would say we will skip quite a bit of WA. I think with the added time down to see the Redwoods in Cali we will leave Olympic Nat Park for another long weekend. To be perfectly honest I am expecting us to cut back towards Portland from the coast on that last leg and scoot North in a day to get back in time for work haha, but who knows!
  • Glacier National Park is another one where we might just need to visit seperately because it's quite a lot of hours added, but it was so highly and forcefully recommended we will probably give it a red hot go!
  • Hot&Chevy has had the mechanics working hard replacing bits and brand new tires this spring. We took it out last weekend and it runs so beautifully!

I hope you enjoy and maybe get some mapping ideas for your own adventures!


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