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Bangladesh: I need advices for my first solo travel I need advices for my first solo travel - Bangladesh

I need advices for my first solo travel

Hi! I decided a few months ago that i want to go from Rome (that's where i live) to Barcelona ( passing through france) this summer only using autostop and couchsurfing. This will be my first ever solo travel, I've done a couple of solo trekking that lasted 2 or 3 days, but never something longer or more difficult than that, and i feel like I'm ready physically and mentally, but not totally prepared.

I've thought about food, water, weather, electricity and other things, and I'm here to ask you people to give me some precious advices, like a top important things to think or do before starting or something to help me to make my trip more secure and planned, everything that would help me.

If you want to ask me anything, I'll be here, have a good day!

Submitted April 30, 2019 at 10:46AM by Supertraaamp http://bit.ly/2ZLY56k

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