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Bangladesh: Going away in Mid-May! But i can't choose a destination. Going away in Mid-May! But i can't choose a destination. - Bangladesh

Going away in Mid-May! But i can't choose a destination.

Hello everyone,

i'm a 20y old male who's willing to travel alone, i gave up on my studies from this year because i didn't really like what i was studying and went working for almost 3 months now. Now i'm thinking of leaving Belgium around mid-May to solo travel and meet new people and just have an amazing experience. I'm doing this mostly because i am a very shy person who would like to open up more and experience some things now while i'm still young.

Now i'm not going away for long, since this is my first time going solo. I'm also thinking about going to university again next school-year. So i guess i'm going for like a month or something.

But as someone who's shy and a bit scared (Wich is normal i guess) i also really can't decide where ill go and how ill do it! i've been thinking about going to New-Zealand, Ireland, Scotland and maybe even Australia. But i don't know if that's maybe a bad way of doing things as a first timer? Going to New Zealand/Australia alone is maybe too far?

I'll also mention that i don't have ALOT of money but i've got enough to manage.

Now i'm asking people who've travelled or have experience such situaties. Is it smart to go instantly to NZ/AU if it's just for a month? Or should i wait after my studies? I'm mostly doing this to get that feeling that i'm out of my comfort zone, and that i can get to meet new people.

Thanks in advance :)


Submitted April 05, 2019 at 07:26PM by MVinnyBoy http://bit.ly/2I0reF5

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