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Bangladesh: Americans, stop allowing yourself to be brainwashed by capitalism and travel the world long term Americans, stop allowing yourself to be brainwashed by capitalism and travel the world long term - Bangladesh

Americans, stop allowing yourself to be brainwashed by capitalism and travel the world long term

Edit: I’m American born and raised here which may be important context.

First and foremost I need to add a very important disclaimer. I am well aware that many Americans are genuinely poor and could not travel no matter what they do. This is not who I’m addressing. I understand some people in this country do not even have this option on their table. I also realize the place of privilege I’m coming from but please understand my intended audience.

This is directed towards middle to upper class Americans who COULD afford to travel but just don’t or refuse to take breaks after high school / college because they need to jump right into grad school / the workforce. But why?

I’m in dozens of Facebook groups about overlanding travel, long term backpacking etc and it is OVERWHELMINGLY filled with Europeans, primarily Germans, and Australians. There are a truly negligible amount of Americans.

The only reason for this, when we assume money/ opportunity is the same, is the absolute brainwashing and work to live mentality in this country. It’s mindblowing to me to see even kids in college here who are ABOVE upper class still rushing into the work force instead of seeing the world. Taking 6 months , 1 year or 2 years to travel after your education or quitting your job to do so (when you have the money) is not a bad decision. We have one life to live, and this world is honestly just unreal.

How lucky are we to live in a time when everything is in our reach within a 24 hour plane journey? I know many in this sub might agree with me but if someone needed to hear this, this is for you or those you might know. Our peers in other modern nations are exploring the world at insanely higher rates. I went to India and didn’t come across a single other American. Work part time in college, save money after college, and see the world.

The graduate schools and corporate jobs aren’t going anywhere. Do it now while you’re young, healthy and free from serious responsibilities. $5000 will last you at least 6 months in Asia.

You’ll always remember those months, you won’t remember that extra 6 months spent in a cubicle.

Cheers xx

Submitted April 16, 2019 at 06:16PM by Barrythehippo http://bit.ly/2VJtTpY

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