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Bangladesh: An Accounting Clerk's Conundrum: When to Go? An Accounting Clerk's Conundrum: When to Go? - Bangladesh

An Accounting Clerk's Conundrum: When to Go?

Hello all. I am a college student in the USA who has been telling himself for over a year that he would begin traveling full time after graduation (which for me is this coming May). I have saved every penny I could since I made my decision so I could extend my trip, which will hopefully take me to six continents (no room in the budget for Antarctica, naturally) and 60+ new countries. I have 26k USD saved and DEFINITELY want to leave my current job (part time doing accounting work with people I hate more and more each day), the earliest I would leave of course being in May when I graduate. However, if I work more, naturally I save more. I am en route to having about 31k saved by graduation, and could make maybe 4-6k more if I stay till the end of June when I was originally planning to leave and perhaps take on a second job.

Each week I get another paycheck and get more confident that I can accomplish what I want to with the money I have. I've traveled to 40+ countries in the past couple years and consider myself a skilled solo traveler, but for some reason this scares me. I will no longer be a student and I will have to quit my job (no regrets there, believe me), but an extra 6k would mean I could spend a lot more time exploring Oceania (which is currently the last planned part of my expedition.

Anyone have anything to share? Am I being a wimp? Most importantly, has anyone here ever burnt their old life to the ground and pursued travel full time? What's it like finding work on the road?

Submitted February 06, 2019 at 07:06PM by PM_ME_UR_JAMZ http://bit.ly/2De8Jbr

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