Utah / Colorado - 5-7 road trip. Need help!
friendly warning: i overshare and ask for a lot of guidance below. 🤷♀️
Hi! Husband and I are heading out West, USA in May. Planning on flying into Colorado and getting a stupidly expensive, yet cheapest on offer, rental car. /r/backpacking I need help with this - are there any alternatives to on the ground travel in CO and UT where you still have a degree of autonomy? Obviously hitchhiking but I’m the type who is less afraid of spotting a mountain lion up close than trusting a stranger from afar.
We are heading first to Durango, CO and doing some round trip on rail. https://m.durangotrain.com
Then eventually we need to wind up in Moab, UT. At my insistence, we are spending a night glamping. Because a holiday bonus only comes once a year. #treatyoself
Haven’t decided if we fly out from Salt Lake City or circle back to Colorado for the return home.
Currently this trip is full enough for four days but we have up to two weeks approved off from work. Asking Reddit how to max out those two weeks on a budget (yes glamping, I know, I know. Shame shame). I got overwhelmed using https://roadtrippers.com/
Since moving here from England over a year ago, I’ve only managed to show the husband around Southern New York and Connecticut, Northern New Jersey, and Florida just after it was hit by Irma. PLEASE help me show him what beauty the States have to offer (while helping me appear geographically knowledgeable, outside of pointing out where the cast of Jersey Shore is really from.
We will literally sleep in the desert, under the stars. In fact, that is preferred. I just don’t know where to go or how to keep it reasonable with a rental car, or where one rents camping gear. Unfortunately it doesn’t make sense for us to purchase our own, from what i can tell. Am i wrong?
Oh and the hubs has a thing for ghost towns, which from comments on a year old post of mine, seems to be more Arizona/Nevada. :( but please feel free to inform me I am wrong. Again :)
Happy to trade my road tripping adventures in Iceland and the Isle of Skye 😉you deserve the scoop if you’ve read this far. I promise I do not speak this much in actual life
Thanks, folks!!! Keep exploring!
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