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Bangladesh: How do you solo as an HSP? How do you solo as an HSP? - Bangladesh

How do you solo as an HSP?

Who else is soloing as an HSP (highly sensitive person)? I’m a 41-year old American woman solo traveling for the first time and I’m highly sensitive, but also very adventurous.

I can get overwhelmed easily, and when I arrived in Portugal two weeks ago, all the history, smells, sights, language, etc. almost blew a circuit.

So every three days or so I stay inside and process everything I’ve experienced. I feel a bit guilty knowing there’s so much to see, but that isn’t why I started traveling. I began traveling to meet new people and be part of the culture when I can. But I want to do ALL the things.

I’m still becoming accustomed to traveling as I also deal with a disability that flares up and makes it difficult to walk some days. I’m finding my stride, but I often want to crawl under a rock and be inert for a bit.

I’ve learned to stay in one place longer, take rest days, meet people through apps, find some nature and chill, do yoga, etc. There are days, however, I cry until I hurt. And that helps to process the feels of leaving people over and over again.

How do other highly sensitive people process/cope/engage with the intensity of solo travel and often culture shock?

Submitted May 17, 2018 at 10:33AM by RaeB42 https://ift.tt/2IQ0uXZ

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