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Bangladesh: Update on my Couchsurfing Report Update on my Couchsurfing Report - Bangladesh

Update on my Couchsurfing Report

Here is my original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/solotravel/comments/6hkpfr/reality_of_being_a_female_solo_traveller/

I finally got the courage to report him, I know it took me a while but it was necessary and I was finally ready to come forward.Upset and discouraged is an understatement for the reply I got. Here is my response and the email that I have posted on social media.

I am super proud of all the women and men that come forward and find it quite empowering that we are part of an age where we are being vocal about such events and fighting for our own basic human right of respect. The shitty thing is that this is still happening, and as much progress as we are making, it is still not enough. I had a horrific experience using Couchsurfing, and attempted to report it. In response, I got a corporate cookie cutter email. So, after struggling with the decision, I am going to social media, because I don’t believe any action will be taken unless I go public.

I stayed with my host and was told there would be a couch to sleep on, when it was time to go to bed, he then demanded I sleep in his bed with him. I said I had a boyfriend so it wasn’t appropriate. He then became more intense and told me I didn’t have a choice. My plan was to wait for him to fall asleep and I would escape. He then started touching me and pinned me to the bed and refused to let me go. He eventually went to the washroom and I decided to grab my stuff and leave. He then refused to let me leave saying “I was a danger to myself” and started to corner me. I thought he was going to kill me. I finally had to threaten him to let me leave.

Below I have an email that I received as a response from Couchsurfing.com regarding a complaint I filed against a member. I filed a claim of physical & sexual assault.

Thank you for writing to us about your interaction with Jus. I'm very sorry to hear about the experience you had. It sounds like this was a stressful situation and I hope you are now somewhere you feel respected.

Your message has opened a confidential file of your concern, so we're aware in case we receive any additional complaints about this person. We will additionally be following up with them regarding their intentions and behaviors on our website. It’s important to us that you feel safe and comfortable on Couchsurfing. While we constantly monitor the site for any type of abusive behavior, we also depend on reports from members like yourself.

If you have any additional problems with this member, please let me know so I can review and take any actions I'm able to. Again, I am sorry to know that your experience was one that you felt you had to report. I hope that you will only have positive Couchsurfing experiences with our many wonderful members in the future.

When I read this email yesterday it broke me. It made me feel like I made myself vulnerable and that I was at fault. A suspension or ban from the website, would not affect this person’s well-being, but, his actions hurt mine. Does this man have to hurt another woman before action can be taken? I feared for my life and I expressed this and I got back a corporate, emotionless response. This is why women & men are hesitant to report crimes of this nature because only the victim have to relive the experience and the chances of any action being taken are slim. Maybe if he had hit me and left a bruise, his account would be deactivated or even temporarily suspended. He doesn’t feel the weight of this, in fact it was probably just another day for him, but I feel it everyday and it has altered my life and the way I now live.

I shouldn’t have to fear as a woman staying with a man. I have had wonderful experiences with couchsurfing where I stayed with men. I have amazing men in my life who encourage me, make me feel safe and loved. I originally wrote why I chose to stay with this particular host and I deleted it. I shouldn’t have to justify why I stayed there. I wouldn’t justify it if he hadn’t hurt me, so I am not going to do it even though he did.

Couchsurfing is supposed to be a safe community. If a member reports another member, I feel that shouldn’t be taken this lightly. For asking his intention are you going to ask if he intends to rape every woman that walks through his door? If he plans on making them feel like their life is at risk? Like I mentioned earlier, suspending his account does not affect on his personal or financial well being. Even if it is only temporary, at least he knows the effects of his actions.

So, sorry Couchsurfing that I don’t have physical evidence of abuse, but I should feel that my voice should been valid enough to show my emotional scars. I shouldn’t have to justify my pain to see penalties for his actions.I’m just a normal 25 year old woman who got screwed over by a man who is going to get away with it.

Submitted April 09, 2018 at 12:25AM by coraline4ever https://ift.tt/2HiSziE

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