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Bangladesh: Towards the Black Sea. Starting with Bulgaria Towards the Black Sea. Starting with Bulgaria - Bangladesh

Towards the Black Sea. Starting with Bulgaria

I have bags of enthusiasm, the time I can leave my colleagues to fend for themselves is quite limited (15 days).

I don't really wanna feel rushed (gotta love my deep connections) so, while initially wanted to go from Sofia to Odessa along the Black Sea Coast, I am considering to limit my trip to Bulgaria. I may try to stuff some possible extra in the mix (Turkey, Romania, Macedonia or Serbia) but yup, Bulgaria is the winner of my where-to-go-this-summer ruffle.

So, bunch of questions.

1) Camping.

I am planning to do some hostel days (especially at the beginning) but I just bought a tent and really want to scratch that Into the wild itch. Ending aside, of course.

I read that is not really legal, but yup. Hiding in the bushes is a thing. The question is, how easily. Can I get yelled to? Arrested? Shot at?

2) Hitchhiking.

I have no driving licence. Whoop. A failure at 25, I know.

I still want to visit somewhat remote places and small villages, especially in the Strandzha Park area. So, in absence of buses, hopping on a car with strangers sound like a great idea.

Is it doable in Bulgaria?

I am short, female, chatty as hell. Definitely not threatening. I didn't have much trouble to get a lift before, but it is also the first time I aim for destinations outside of any major travel routes.

3) Itineraries.

I am super open to advices about itineraries, things to do, places to see.

I was thinking to start from Sofia, move to Plovdiv and proceed to the Strandzha Park area, hopefully reaching it around St Elijah' Festival (20 of July), and eventually proceeding to Karadere, because nudist activism sound like my cup of tea. Ideally be able to spend a day or two in Varna, before going back to Sofia and get my ass shipped back home.

Is it feasible? Do you know any other place/folk festival that I definitely should hit?

I am already counting the days. Whatever direction, I am sure it will be an amazing summer.

Submitted April 18, 2018 at 01:48PM by justpassingbyby https://ift.tt/2J6ADYq

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