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Bangladesh: Getting homesick Getting homesick - Bangladesh

Getting homesick

I'm currently 6 months into my solo travels and I was originally going to go for around 6 more months, but I recently got a new job that I'm really excited for so I'm cutting my trip early and heading home. My flight is booked to return in 3 weeks, and while I haven't missed home at all this past half year, I've become really really homesick now (maybe because I know there is an end date and it's soon). I'm finding it a little difficult to enjoy myself and I've become a bit antisocial. While I'm excited for my next destination, I'm kind of ready to just go home. Any going through something similar and have tips or advice on how to deal with this?

Submitted March 02, 2018 at 06:52AM by superexcited http://ift.tt/2FNV249

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