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Bangladesh: Looking to book last minute first time solo trip in US in March. Need advice! Looking to book last minute first time solo trip in US in March. Need advice! - Bangladesh

Looking to book last minute first time solo trip in US in March. Need advice!

I’m at 23 year old female from western Pennsylvania looking to book an easy first time solo trip in the US. I have a week of PTO scheduled for week of March 5th and don’t want it to go to waste at my apartment. I was thinking of traveling that Monday - Friday. My family has only gone to jersey shore / ocean city beaches for vacation and that one time to Disney World for my 10th birthday. They really don’t have the money or desire to travel.

They have let me go to Italy 3 years ago for a class spring break trip shockingly which was AMAZING. I think about it all the time. I also went to Chicago for a weekend conference 2 years ago with my business frat. They are really overprotective of me so I’m worried about how well they will take the idea of me traveling alone. I think my mom will be jealous

I have some travel fund money for a southwest flight because I was supposed to go on a trip with a friend months ago that fell through. I love the idea of going to a city in Canada like Quebec City but it’s too cold. I would love to go somewhere warm in the states. A beach in Florida maybe but a city that has places to explore. I think I want to stay in East Coast since flights would be cheaper. I really don’t want to break the bank maybe spend $1,000 total? (Does that sound enough?). What are you suggestions for places / general tips?

Submitted January 26, 2018 at 05:30PM by LostInTheBigCity http://ift.tt/2nfXPKr

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