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Bangladesh: Ideas for a week away in August Ideas for a week away in August - Bangladesh

Ideas for a week away in August

I'm from Ireland, and I'm planning to take a week away in Aug 2018. I can't take more time due to work restrictions.

I need advice on where. I'm in to places that are generally "off the beaten track". Having been to Svalbard in Norway, central Russia, and China, and going to North Korea in March....that the kind of places I'd be in to. In terms of actual geographical location nowhere is really off limits.

I was considering Easter Island, or a week in Georgia (the country, not the state), Montenegro/Albania.... but still undecided.

In terms of budget, I would be willing to spend approx 1,500euro on flights should there be somewhere really worth visiting for a week. I was looking at Easter Island and return flights to there and back to Dublin are approx 1,700e.

Interest-wise, I really just like to visit places that aren't necessarily overly touristy. I quite like post-soviet countries and the different feel they have, and have an interest in history as well. Sitting on a beach relaxing for a day however doesn't interest me at all!!

Any suggestions or ideas?

Submitted January 23, 2018 at 07:49PM by 1974ChainGang http://ift.tt/2GbOXOH

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