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Bangladesh: What is dating like between solo travelers? What is dating like between solo travelers? - Bangladesh

What is dating like between solo travelers?

I did my first solo trip to Colombia and I have had a wonderful time so far. I met a girl from Berlin that was solo traveling the world, and it’s safe to say that I caught feelings for her after we spent time exploring the city together.

I knew us ever having a relationship would never work because 1) she intends to travel all the way until August and 2) plans to live in Barcelona afterwards. This is starkly in contrast to my couple of weeks traveling and then back to the work like a good American. While we would hang out together, I would intentionally say aloud inside my head that I could never pursue her and I would need to push the way I feel for her outside my head.

How do you deal with making emotional connections with other solo travelers? For most of the time, do you let it happen or understand that it would never work? And for those of you with those missed connections, let me hear you vent. I’ll have to call a good friend of mine today and lament.

Submitted December 18, 2017 at 01:47PM by SordidSwordDidSwore http://ift.tt/2kIn7zz

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