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Bangladesh: What is a better first solo trip - UK or somewhere in my country (USA)? What is a better first solo trip - UK or somewhere in my country (USA)? - Bangladesh

What is a better first solo trip - UK or somewhere in my country (USA)?

Hey everyone! I've been lurking this sub for a while and it has made me so excited to explore the idea of actually traveling solo. I've travelled TO places alone but never spent an entire trip by myself. I have been out of the country only once before to Mexico with just myself and a friend and it went very well. I am starting to think about going alone somewhere new since it's hard to rely on others to come with and I also just want to be more comfortable with myself. I kind of want to go big or go home, but don't want to completely overwhelm myself at the same time. Right now I am considering a bit of a west coast road trip alone and stay at whatever hostels are around there. On the other hand I am also considering Ireland or some country in the U.K. and also staying at hostels. For my first trip I would really like to go somewhere English-speaking and somewhere that has a lot to do alone, I really enjoy nature and seeing that aspect of the world! These are just the two areas I have in mind at the moment, any other recommendations? Sorry for any weird formatting since I'm on my phone at work, but thank you in advance!

Submitted December 18, 2017 at 03:24PM by schwakker http://ift.tt/2Bt6tf5

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