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Bangladesh: What cities in North America would you guys recommend? What cities in North America would you guys recommend? - Bangladesh

What cities in North America would you guys recommend?

Hi all, I'm a 21M who plans to go on a trip to North America over the summer from the UK. I plan to be over there for a period of 3 months so there's no rush and I generally just want to explore the continent although I know how vast it is. I'm just looking for a few recommendations into some cities in North America I can check out and anything else you guys might be able to help me out with. To help narrow it down I'm into sports, drinking, music, nature and just generally exploring. My budget should be around $8000 so I think it should suffice.

I've done some research and have found these cities so far:

Canada - Vancouver, Montreal, Quebec City, Toronto

USA - Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Denver, Austin, NYC

Mexico - Monterrey, Mexico City, Quintana Roo region

Are there any places I'm missing or places which might appeal to my interests? I've looked around but I feel like I may have missed things or some potential hidden gems. Also any particular regions I should focus on?

Thanks for your help!

Submitted December 19, 2017 at 04:36AM by casualthrow123 http://ift.tt/2khFg85

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