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Bangladesh: Studying abroad from Jan to May. Traveling from the beginning of May until June 14. Studying abroad from Jan to May. Traveling from the beginning of May until June 14. - Bangladesh

Studying abroad from Jan to May. Traveling from the beginning of May until June 14.

I will be studying abroad in Kokkola, Finland come the start of the New Year. I will land in Helsinki on the 3rd and spend one night in the city before I travel to my place of study.

Housing is paid for until the beginning of May and I will receive 300 euros back once my semester is complete. I should have around $9,000 for the entirety of the trip. It's not a lot but I have lived quite meagerly most of my life so I think this is very doable.

This will be my first time abroad and I want to see as much as I can considering I have a month and a half to goof around in as many countries as I wish.

I plan to only bring a backpack with a few clothes and my ukulele in case I need to busk for some travel change.

I was hoping to end my trip in Madrid, Spain and return to Helsinki for my return flight home.

Do you guys have any suggestions on the best places to hit on my way to Spain? I don't care much for spending money on useless things and I'm more into having experiences with people. The only thing that I really want to spend money on is possible nights out to dance closer to the weekends.

If there aren't any responses that fine, I think it's nice just to let you guys know that I'm stepping pout on my own, but I would love to carry a conversation about things I may not have thought of or even your experiences as well. Cheers!

Submitted December 19, 2017 at 03:31AM by Tilatayla http://ift.tt/2kJHCvA

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