0b2a3efcb0aa7cbe6d312c1e8d93f768ff3c356d Bangladesh Tourism

Bangladesh: How to travel well? How to travel well? - Bangladesh

How to travel well?

So I am 4 months into a year long solo trip and I'm wondering if there is a "better" way to travel and how most long term backpackers on this sub reddit travel.

Planning - how much do you plan and how effective is it? I've met people who hate planning and live day by day, booking flights last minute, etc (often more expensive and sometimes miss out on things due to lack of research/booking) whereas I've always been booking and paying for flights in advance (which has been a mistake sometimes).

Sightseeing - how much of a "checklist" do you have for each country?

Purpose - do you have a 'style' of traveling? Is your purpose to make the most interesting memories, see the most interesting things or go on the most adventures? Do you consciously have a purpose or do you just go with the flow?

Memories - Do you write stories? Do you post on Instagram? What do you do to record your memories? Is it effective?

Submitted December 17, 2017 at 05:52AM by littlepatches http://ift.tt/2BzjnuM

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