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Bangladesh: How long does it take to get over the travel blues? When can I return to normal life? How long does it take to get over the travel blues? When can I return to normal life? - Bangladesh

How long does it take to get over the travel blues? When can I return to normal life?

I just got back from my first solo trip a few days ago (I'm a 19 year old girl and I was away for about 3,5 months.)

The blues are intense. I get that they happen, but I honestly feel more depressed than I have in years - I barely get out of bed, if I do I mostly just wander aimlessly around my house. I've met up with some friends this weekend and it honestly wasn't exciting at all, I just felt empty about it all.

My favorite time of the year, Christmas, is coming up and I don't feel like celebrating it at all (when I would usually start blasting christmas music and decorating in November) and I don't feel like celebrating new years. I have informed my boss I'm back from my trip and am accepting shifts again but the thought of working fills me with a deep sense of dread.

All I occupy my mind with is thinking about the next trip, and how I can achieve it - I'm volunteering in a hostel in Albania for a couple months in spring, and am looking into going to Aus in ~October to work up some money, so I can go to SEA or Africa. I keep browsing my Facebook timeline, seeing the people I've met on my travels being still out on adventures and I find myself resenting them for being able to still travel. I have some money, I could easily do half a year in Asia with what I have now, but after that the money is out and I have no real way to make a bunch here at home for another trip.

I guess my question is, how long does it take for this depression to wear off? Why did only 3,5 months have such a deep impact on my mental health? I haven't slept well since I came back, I can't relax, I'm honestly feeling so bad about it all.

Submitted December 17, 2017 at 07:26PM by philboswaggins http://ift.tt/2CpW9nG

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