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Bangladesh: First time ever - highly insecure First time ever - highly insecure - Bangladesh

First time ever - highly insecure

So I know, there are many posts stating they've never travelled on their own before and had some little questions - used the search function of course.

But now to my specific case: I've never travelled alone, not even in a different city. I was able to stay at family over there or whatever, now this is something that bothers me and I think it's time to finally take it to a way different step and progress as in myself. I would like to do a short trip to Ireland next year, maybe a weekend or a little longer. I don't plan to spend much money, if possible under 1K and I would like to discover the country as I'm not the tourist guy that likes to do the typical sightseeing tour.

Now to get really specific: I know that booking flights is the best to at least three weeks in advance, if not even more. I've got an app called 'Skyscanner' to help me finding flights. I'm from Europe as well and it would be ~200€ max to fly to Dublin.

But where to stay? Hotels might be very expensive, but hostels or airbnb - is that even safe? I'm very paranoid when it comes to security, especially internet and I don't know how safe this airbnb option actually is.

How to get around the country? Public transportation might work in cities, but I'm planning to leave Dublin and go see some other places which i don't know yet and probably won't ever specifically know. Renting a car maybe? Could be very expensive and I don't want to get a 'bad surprise' when I actually get way beyond my budget.

What to do? Well, I don't party, I don't drink alcohol and I'm more the introvert guy, but that doesn't mean I can't have a conversation with foreigners. I would like to meet new people as well, but is there some way I can do it without going into pubs or clubs?

I would also consider going to Scotland and see some places there, im more the adventurous guy that keeps personal safety always in mind and well, like I said, being paranoid and maybe over sensitive when it comes to safety/security.

Are there any tips you can give me? I don't actually know how to plan an entire trip, which even a friend who travelled the world told me is a bad idea anyways. He told me I rather shall plan a vague schedule, not every single minute.

If there's info missing let me know, I really want to finally start to explore the world since I'm feeling a huge wanderlust and I know I need it to improve myself.

Submitted December 18, 2017 at 12:45AM by Snowf4ll http://ift.tt/2B2Pcg9

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