Leaving in three weeks and haven't told my parents yet.
Lil' background: 24 y/o female in the US. This will be my third time going to Europe.
First time was four years ago and the only time I was solo was my flight there. Second time was last summer when I was an English tutor in Italy. So while it was very different, I didn't have to worry about expenses much and was with my Italian family for the most part. This time I'll only be gone a week compared to a month the last two times. I'll have more solo time too, as I'll have to take a train from Amsterdam to my friend's location in Germany and I'll be going back before my flight to spend some time in Amsterdam.
I think I'm making a bigger deal than I should be about this, it's been causing anxiety. I bought my plane ticket in early October. Most of my close friends and brother know about this trip but I don't know how to bring it up to my parents. Has anyone else been in a similar situation?
Submitted November 15, 2017 at 06:41PM by dazy143 http://ift.tt/2muAzev
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