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Bangladesh: Logistical questions for travelling around India Logistical questions for travelling around India - Bangladesh

Logistical questions for travelling around India

I am going to India for a month, and have been looking for answers to a few basic questions. After looking around, I can't seem to find the answers so here we go -

  • MONEY Where do you get rupees? Are there good bank ATMs easily accessible? Are they only in big cities? Any issues around finding money in rural India? I did find one person that said get money at the Airport. And for clarification, ATMs like you see in a bar don't count (at least for me- you can buy those online and start collecting CC #'s if you don't know).
  • APPS Are there any iPhone apps I should install before I go? Local cabs, hostel sites, etc that would make it easier?
  • HOSTEL/HOTELS What is the easiest way to find housing on the fly? I am planning to bounce around so I am sure I'll be doing a mix of hostels and hotels (have an Airbnb for Diwali to see it through a locals eyes \o/). Kind of piggybacks on the last question, is Hostelworld the best bet?
  • LAUNDRY Is it easy to find laundry mats? Do hostels have washer/driers you can pay for? Basically, I want to travel with as few clothes as possible (to be as lean as possible) but that also means washing clothes more often.
  • YOGA/MEDITATION Lately I've been getting more interested in these, and it would seem like India would be an amazing place to explore both (at least according to The Beatles). In doing some searches for either/both, it seems like there are tourist trap places looking for tourists to get a quick fix. I'm almost inclined to find a place and hang out for a week to relax and learn. Are there places you can go to find a more genuine experience? Have those days come and gone?
  • TEMPLES What should one know about going to Indian holy sites? I want to be respectful, so any tips would be fantastic.
  • GOLDEN TRIANGLE From what I've found, some say the Golden Triangle is a tourist nightmare, others say the Taj Mahal is the most beautiful building they have ever seen. Since I am there for a month, I have the time to visit, but if my time is better spent in other small towns/areas, I'm more interested in a genuine experience vs tourist traps. What do you think?
  • DIWALI! Any pro-tips for a foreigner in India for DIWALI?

Thanks for making it through the list, and thanks in advance for your help!

Submitted September 20, 2017 at 09:02PM by emilepetrone http://ift.tt/2w71mxV

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