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Bangladesh: When to rent a car in Northern Italy. When to rent a car in Northern Italy. - Bangladesh

When to rent a car in Northern Italy.

I have my two solo weeks in Northern Italy booked for the second half of September. I'm flying into and out of Milan. I want to see the bigger cities and most of the typical touristy stuff in them. That includes Milan, Florence, and Venice. I also want to spend time exploring the smaller cities and towns in between as well as Lake Como, Genoa, Siena and Modena, among others and especially including as many car museums and factories as possible haha.

I haven't booked any AirBnBs or hotels yet.

I like the freedom a car provides but I under l understand that in Florence and Venice especially it doesn't make much sense to keep a car around when I'm staying in the city. As good as I hear public transport is in much of Italy, like being able to stop anytime. And I'll be using credit card points to pay for the car.

So does anyone have input on the best strategy for renting car? It would feel wasteful of time to have to backtrack between cities. But also wasteful to pay for parking for several days when not using the car. With that, out of curiosity, what can I expect to pay for overnight parking near those cities? If it's like 10€, it won't be a big deal.

Thanks for any help.

PS I'm taking my whole photo kit, so lots of pics coming later.

Submitted August 30, 2017 at 08:20PM by lysergicfuneral http://ift.tt/2woPJ6f

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