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Bangladesh: Feeling guilty about traveling. Feeling guilty about traveling. - Bangladesh

Feeling guilty about traveling.

I live in a region effected by Hurricane Harvey. In a week and a half my wife and I will be taking a trip to Paris and will be flying out of the Houston airport. We have contacted the airline about switching our departure airport to a region not effected by the hurricane and they said we would have to pay $1000 dollars per ticket to switch airports. We wanted to switch to lessen the impact and free up two seats out of Houston.

This began to irritate at first but the more I thought about it began to upset me about those effected in Houston.

Has anyone developed a guilty feeling after traveling? Traveling to poorer nations? Traveling while others are losing everything?

Submitted August 31, 2017 at 01:46PM by daveed2001 http://ift.tt/2glmucZ

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