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Bangladesh: Ayahuasca retreat won't issue refund. Dispute charges through credit card? Ayahuasca retreat won't issue refund. Dispute charges through credit card? - Bangladesh

Ayahuasca retreat won't issue refund. Dispute charges through credit card?

I didn't realize I was purchasing an illicit service when I booked my retreat in South America. Now I don't want to attend. The company will not issue a refund even though the reservation is a month away.

Can I dispute this charge on my credit card? How about on the grounds that I didn't know that what I was buying is illegal in the US? Should I be worried about basically admitting to buying illicit drugs with my credit card?

Submitted August 31, 2017 at 12:43AM by accidentallybotillic http://ift.tt/2ekQyF6

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