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Bangladesh: How far realistically, can we drive per day? Austin to LA? How far realistically, can we drive per day? Austin to LA? - Bangladesh

How far realistically, can we drive per day? Austin to LA?

I'm planning a 3 week trip. 2 driving adults, 2 teens with driving permits who can only drive in Texas (first 6 hrs). We are going from near Austin to Sequoia NP for the first official stop. We are very familiar with AZ and NM, so not really interested in site seeing just getting to Cali as quickly as possible. We make a 14 hr trip to go skiing over night yearly and it's a long drive but we are used to it. The 6 hr trip to NM we can make in 7.5, but we've done it almost monthly for 2 years. Google maps says it's 1 day 9 hrs. We were thinking a long drive stop in Phoenix, then another long day to Sequoia.

TL;DR: How long does it take to drive from Austin to LA, just driving not sight seeing. 2 and a half drivers.


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