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Bangladesh: VA to AZ in May or June [41M] VA to AZ in May or June [41M] - Bangladesh

VA to AZ in May or June [41M]

So, I will be purchasing a car ( most likely a nissan xterra or a mazda cx7, haven't decided yet ) and heading back to Arizona from Ashburn Va. I have made several long road trips before, but this will be the longest one yet. All of my previous trips involved non stop driving with friends or stops at hotel/motels.

This will be the first one I will be doing by myself and I was thinking I would hit up campsites and camp-out instead of doing seedy hotels off the highway. I am well versed with the vehicle pre-inspection and need for roadside maintenance/equipment and extra safety stuff etc., as well as the camping gear required. What I don't know is which route I should take and what major and minor stops I should make along the way. I am currently unemployed, should be fully vaxed and looking to spend some quality time outdoors!

I have no deadline and can take as long as I want, but I also really don't want to spend more than two or three weeks on the road and money wont really be a problem.

I was also considering picking up passengers if any wanted to share the ride along the way but this is just a thought at this point and I'm unsure if I want to take the risk or imposed risk. Any thoughts or suggestions about this are welcome.

Also, what are your thoughts on having a firearm available? I don't currently own one but was thinking about picking one up since this will be more of a vacation / wandering the countryside vs. a direct travel kind of trip and the likelihood of my coming across someone or something that may intend to do me harm will be greater. In the past, I typically have carried a canister of bear mace.


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