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Bangladesh: Canadian road trip as an 18 year old Canadian road trip as an 18 year old - Bangladesh

Canadian road trip as an 18 year old

So for this upcoming 2020-2021 school year I decided to take a gap year before I enter university. My hopes were to travel to Europe come springtime in about mid may early june, although due to the situation with covid i decided a national trip would be more wise. I found out that 4 of my other friends (18 years old) had similar plans and we are all very motivated to do a road trip from Toronto to Vancouver. Unfortunately none of us have access to a car, and renting is nearly impossible for people our age. Purchasing a mini van off of kijiji then selling it after the trip is also an option. However, we fear that we would spend a lot of money on a vehicle that could potentially break down, resulting in a ton of money spent on repairs and it being unsellable by the end. Also short term shared insurance would be a difficult concept to navigate as well. Anyways I am reaching out to anybody who has completed a successful road trip, or somebody who knows a lot about cars and knows of methods to pull off a trip in these circumstances.


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