Social distancing RT to the NE
So "free" time is winding down until school and sport activities try to start back up here and we were looking to do a week(ish) roadtrip in the NE.
(very) Rough plan is to:
- Start Central PA to.....
- Buffalo, NY to see Niagara Fall (yes, only the US side I know) and grab some wings for posterity's sake
- Leave Buffalo for Boston with no specific landmarks (spend a couple of days in the area depending on suggestions on what to see)
- Either head north to Acadia (need to confirm park status) or head to Cape Cod
- Or maybe head to Acadia and then to Cape Cod
- Return home
Any thoughts in the those areas for things to see/do, outdoors type, historical? I am thinking significant US or even local importance for the kids (14/11 y/o's) Or just cool I guess.. NIagara Falls, Whaling museum? Salem witch town? ETC..
Is there anything of note to break up the drive to Acadia from Boston?
Help is appreciated!
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