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Bangladesh: Filmmaker planning a USA Roadtrip Filmmaker planning a USA Roadtrip - Bangladesh

Filmmaker planning a USA Roadtrip

Hello everyone! I have a project called Human Postcards. It's a series of one minute video portraits of inspiring everyday people we meet as we travel. We made 60 portraits on a Europe roadtrip last year and are planning a new roadtrip in the USA in May 2020. We have not made a decision on which road to follow and would love some advices. We are interested in meeting interesting characters, stories, activities and crafts. You can learn more about our project by watching our TEDx talk : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8tg0Myjimg Our website is www.humanpostcards.com After watching some of our portraits feel free to share with us your recommendations, for places and people to visit and film? Maybe an itinerary ? We will also be on the look out for a campervan sponsorship like we had during our Europe trip :) Thank you for your interest and ideas you feel like sharing! Nora from @humanpostcards


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