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Bangladesh: Pretty please with sugar on top help me plan a (brief) birthday adventure? Pretty please with sugar on top help me plan a (brief) birthday adventure? - Bangladesh

Pretty please with sugar on top help me plan a (brief) birthday adventure?

It's last minute and I'm terribly indecisive, but my birthday is on Saturday. Last year I spent 24 hours in Asheville, NC. I live in Maryland, outside of Baltimore and I'm willing to travel several hours via car (or bus or train maybe). I was very recently in NYC, but I'm still feeling like a last minute adventure. My time constraints are not ideal - I can travel somewhere on the early evening of the 23rd and spent the night, but I have to be home by the evening of the 24th (it can be late into the evening). I will have my husband with me, who is also adventurous. I will likely have my 6 and 10 year old with us too, but there's a slight chance they might be with a grandparent. I love being outdoors. I run regularly, so I'm at least a little bit fit. I'm a big film nerd. I love museums and sight seeing. I also enjoy doing and seeing odd things, such as going to hole in the wall antique shops and flea markets. Food is always appealing. I would prefer to do budget friendly activities, but I can spare a little coin. I will be eternally grateful for any and all ideas. TIA!


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