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Bangladesh: Critique my itinerary for WY/UT road trip with 5-year-old Critique my itinerary for WY/UT road trip with 5-year-old - Bangladesh

Critique my itinerary for WY/UT road trip with 5-year-old

At the end of this month I'm flying with my almost-6-year-old son to Salt Lake City, where we will rent a car and go on a 10-day road trip. I have planned the following itinerary, and have made a few reservations, but everything is pretty easy to change at this point.

Day 1: Fly to SLC, drive north, stay a couple hours from the west entrance of Yellowstone

Day 2: Set up camp in Yellowstone, do some sightseeing

Day 3: More sightseeing in Yellowstone, maybe a couple of short hikes

Day 4: Drive to Grand Teton NP in the morning, explore in the afternoon

Day 5: More GT in the morning, drive to southwest WY in the evening

Day 6: Go to a place I read about in southwest WY where we can dig for fish fossils (my son will love this), drive to Dinosaur National Monument in the evening, set up camp at Green River

Day 7: Explore Dinosaur NM - see the quarry, short hikes, maybe a scenic drive

Day 8: Drive to Arches NP (not sure yet about camping vs motel because I'm expecting it will be pretty hot)

Day 9: Explore Arches NP

Day 10: Drive back to SLC, with a couple of sightseeing stops along the way

Day 11: Fly home

To explain my choices a bit more, in the last couple of years I have visited Zion, Bryce, and Capitol reef, so didn't want to repeat those destinations on this trip. I haven't been to Yellowstone in almost 20 years and would like to see it again, and I think my son will enjoy the wildlife and thermal features. He is really into dinosaurs, rocks, and fossils, so I thought he might enjoy Dinosaur. I enjoy scenery and taking photos and would really like to see Arches.

So anyway, I just want to find out if my plan sounds reasonable, if I am overlooking any must-see destinations, or if anyone has any advice about specific things to do in any of these locations, that would be appreciated as well.


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