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Bangladesh: Taiwan and Scotland in July/August Taiwan and Scotland in July/August - Bangladesh

Taiwan and Scotland in July/August

Yes, that's correct, not or, it's an AND.

So I've got two conferences I'm attending this summer, both paid for by work. One in Taichung on July 18-19, and one in Edinburgh on July 28-August 1. My work is paying for flights, and for the Scotland trip I'm expected to fly in and out of London because of the price difference.

Since it's summer (I'm in academia), and I have no other personal vacations planned this summer yet, I can get away with extending these trips a bit. My only inflexibility is that I have to leave Taiwan immediately after the conference for a wedding in the US on the 20th. But I can go early, and I can extend my UK trip after that conference.

I don't have a specific number of vacation days can probably get away with somewhere between 2-3 weeks off total between these two trips, so I'm trying to decide best how to budget my time and money. I have to pay for everything aside from the flights on non-conference days, and since I'm a grad student I don't have a lot of money (but I haven't laid out a specific budget yet).

So this is very vague, but things I like:



Hiking and other outdoor adventures

People-watching in cities

I've travelled solo in Hong Kong, Thailand, Cambodia, Singapore, Indonesia, Australia, Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia so I'm not a newbie to it. I've never been to the UK, and only been to Europe once on a tour when I was 18. I'm 26F, white, and openly queer (and look it, if you're the type to make judgements based on stereotypes). I'm slightly over the party hostel life but I'm still down to shoestring it and stay in a dorm or use Couchsurfing.

Both of these trip opportunities just cropped up so I really have no plans yet. What would you do in my situation?

Submitted May 14, 2019 at 09:45PM by prettyorganic http://bit.ly/2Yz7PQ1

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