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Bangladesh: [27, M] As somebody who hasn't even solo traveled within his own country, I've just booked a week in Bangkok and I'm absolutely terrified. [27, M] As somebody who hasn't even solo traveled within his own country, I've just booked a week in Bangkok and I'm absolutely terrified. - Bangladesh

[27, M] As somebody who hasn't even solo traveled within his own country, I've just booked a week in Bangkok and I'm absolutely terrified.

Hi Everyone,

So I've been wanting to do this for a while now. Bangkok has always seemed like a magical place to me and I've always wanted to go but never had the balls to do it. I live in London and have never traveled outside of it alone. I want to escape from my life in London for a bit and I feel that Bangkok is the perfect place to do so. The fact that I'm about to take part in the whole travelling process and visit a country that doesn't speak my language fills me with dread, but I feel that this is the best stage in my life to do something as big as this.

I've not planned anything at all, I mainly just plan to go over and wing it. I've been reading a ton of posts here and plan to do a lot more research. But I have a few questions.

  1. I want to party hard. Both with other tourists and locals, however I plan to rent an Airbnb rather then a hostel because I'd rather have my own space and the ones I've seen are beautiful and not too pricey. Will this hinder any potential social interaction I have? A lot of the posts I've been reading have all stayed in a hostel and stated how wonderful it is and how they've met so many friends and I feel I may be shooting myself in the foot by doing so.

  2. I was speaking to a friend of mine about this and he warned me not go. He told me that although I was born in the UK and consider myself English, because I'm a brown dude (Pakistani descent), I will be looked down upon and treated more differently to white tourists. It sounded like he was talking shit, but it's starting to linger in my mind and it's making me feel anxious.

  3. This may be frowned upon and may result in negative comments, but apart from the food, beautiful beaches and people,another thing that excites me is the allure of the flashy night life. I have to be truthful in saying that the women over there are most likely going to entice me. I'm not saying that I'm Brad Pitt and they'll be all over me but having read other peoples experiences, a lot of them mention that the women are rather aggressive in trying to gain your attention etc. I know this is because they want to get paid, but as a young (and weak) man, I can't sit here and lie by saying that I won't be enticed. However, I want to go about it as safe and ethical as possible. People have mentioned Tinder and Thai Friendly, is that the way to go about it still? Do I avoid the street bar girls? Avoid the women all together?

  4. Lastly, I'm a pretty big dude, (over 6ft and quite built) I have a nasty case of resting bitch face but I'm a teddy bear deep inside. I worry that I may look at a local the wrong way and or do something to offend somebody. Are there particular phrases or things I should learn to help me out, out there? I've read certain things such as not touching the head of an elderly person, showing somebody the sole of your shoe and disrespecting the royal family in anyway is a big nono. I've a pretty laid back and cool guy and don't want to get in to any trouble.

Sorry for the long post, I'm excited and scared. My anxiety is going to kill me over the coming months. If anybody has visited before or has any tips, please don't hesitate to let me know. I hope this post is okay for me to post mods.

Submitted May 30, 2019 at 03:58PM by your_nan http://bit.ly/2WBUJnw

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